Liver Operations

Surgery is the most effective treatment for primary liver cancer. Liver cancer is also known as Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC). The type of operation you have depends on the number of tumors in the liver and how damaged the liver is from chronic liver disease. Only a small number of people with HCC can have surgery. 

Best liver doctor in Ludhiana

When Performing a Liver Operation

Your surgeon and specialist nurse will tell you whether surgery is a possible option for you. They will explain what it involves and the possible complications or risks. An operation to your liver is major surgery. It is important to have all the information you need before you decide.

types of operations on liver
Benign Liver Tumors/SOLs
Malignant Liver Tumors
Liver Cysts
Portal Hypertension
Shunt Surgery for Non-Cirrhotic Portal Hypertension (EHPVO/NCPF)

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